Friday, December 5, 2008

Fake Google Page Rank

Crackers have done it again! Didn’t spare Google Pagerank. With fake Pagerank you can get a PR the toolbar displays on your site of your choice. This is good enough to fool an advertiser. You can find the steps how do it below{thanks to black hat seo){But I don’t recommend doing so}

1. Buy a domain{don’t experiment on established one}.

2. 301 Redirect the domain either in you .htaccess, PHP header (anything server side) to a page with the desired page rank. It’s better to redirect to something relevant. For example, if you are doing a mortgage site, redirect to a mortgage site.
for php the code is:
header(”HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently”);

3. Link to the page with the redirect from another of your sites that gets regularly spidered by Google. Since you use the Alexa Toolbar, you should have several sites that are spidered daily by google.

4. Wait for google update. Google Updates happen about every three months.

5.Now you use cloaking software that says:
if(ip is in list) (list of google IPs){
header(”HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently”);
header(’Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1′);
//Show your site

But still I don’t recommend it as your site will not actually be indexed by Google as long as you are redirecting the Googlebots to your competitors site, so it’s really only good for link selling / trading.
If you don’t want to experiment, Seo dark team {why do they keep such names?}
Have already done so with their site having a PR of 10,9,8,7,6 {for different pages ofcourse}


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